Sunday, January 27, 2008

College Goals

This year I am going to really focus on college. When I pass the Alegbra section of the placement test I will be able to earn college credit and avoid having to take 3 additional classes. I've been reading a book in our BOLD Leadership class called "Be All You Can Be" by John Maxwell. In this book he talks about facing your giants. Giants that prevent you from moving forward. The more I study and practice the smaller the giant is becoming. As promised, here is one of the Alegbra giants that I faced that are actually very simple now.

Solving Equations w/ Absolute Values.

See if you remember how to solve this:

l 2x - 3 l = 5

(solve equation with both positive and negative 5)

Solve First Positive
2x - 3 = 5
+3 +3
2x = 8
-- ---
2 2
x = 4

Solve Next the Negative
2x - 3 = -5
+ 3 +3
2x = -2
-- --
2 2
x = -1

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Facing the Algebra Giant

I've decided to go back to college spring quarter. One of the giants that I'm facing is college math. The funny thing is that I'm actually starting to get hooked on Algebra. It's funny that through the years I've been programming , it's something I've been using and didn't even realize it. From time to time I will post some of the most challenging problems I come across.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Turning Point

2008 is really start off to be an amazing year. We just found out that our church will be moving into their new property by this summer. It's so amazing seeing God's work firsthand like this. One of my goals for this year is to start college studies.