Saturday, November 17, 2007

When Life Throws You a Wave Grab a Surfboard

In the Philippines I really had quite the revelation. Going from Island to island we sailed on a small canoe-like boat called a pump boat. Unlike a canoe, you sit on top of it instead of inside of it. You are so close to the water you can touch it. As we were returning from the island, the waves started to pick up as the dark clouds stood in horizon. There were times when the waves really started to shaking things up. At that time, the realization that my life could be taken at any time set in. It goes to shows how much God really is in control and we're not. At that same moment, I remember looking at the beach on the other side and having faith that God will see me through. Something I just thought of tonight is Peter had a similar experience when Jesus greeted Him on the water. It was faith that saw them through.

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