Saturday, February 25, 2006

God has a way of getting us through even the most enduring times. On Thursday at 7:45 am I got pulled over for not coming to a complete stop in our parking garage. I looked both ways and am always very cautious but today I received a $100.00 ticket for it. My day continued to get worse. I left my ATM card in the machine and the security personnel called a few of my coworkers. Everyone was laughing about it. I have to admit it was funny but still seemed like one thing after another was happening. I remember stopping at that moment and praying, Jesus help me, I am not taking ownership over this bad day I'm having. After that, my day started turning around. God's annointed started to flow over me. All of these creative ideas were coming out at work. After work I got home and sleep for awhile. After having a great rest of the day another incident happened. I ended up pulling back and scraping my neighbor's car that was parked at an angle. What a test that was put before me. Do I put the insurance information on the car or not? As Christians we are suppose to walk with integrity. God would not allow me to walk away without doing it. Anyways I couldn't believe another bad thing happened. I started thinking how could I use this situation to be a blessing to someone. God always seems to turn bad situations into good! I decided to write a note, at the end I put "God Bless". What was interesting is a few days later the owner of the car calls me very suprised that someone took the time to write her. The owner stated that this has happened before and no one has ever left message. She also said that she may not have to file a claim after all as the scratch was very minor. I'm totally behind the owner whatever the outcome is. I guess the moral of this story is this:

How do you respond when trials come our way? I remember the first thing I did when I received that ticket was say, "I'm not going to let this ticket have ownership over me." I immediately sent in a check and let go of it. There are so many things in life that try to take ownership over us, debt, addictions, material things etc. Remember that God can make a bad situation and turn it around for good. God can free us and is bigger than these trials that come our way. At church they prayed a powerful word. Lord put hedges of protection around us. That is definately my prayer tonight. That his protection would be on each and everyone of us.


Raquel said...

God tested you how to handle this kind of problem whether you will act like a mean person or you will blow up without thinking.

Every trials that we encounter day to day we should thank God for this because it measure how we control ourselves.

Thanks for sharing this, I got a moral leason.

Keep writing...

Anyway, I just noticed only bloggers can comment here, I think you have to check your setting and go to comment area and change it to anyone can comment. Just a suggestion...

Have a great weekend, hugs and kisses to Miriam Joy.

iortizvictory said...

Thanks Raquel for your encouraging words. You guys take care and God bless you all.