Monday, December 31, 2007

Idea for DVD Ratings

With the advent of Blu-Ray and HD movies,

disks can hold an amazing 25 gigs worth of storage. The quality on these films is amazing. Hollywood continues to make them look better and better. The question I have though is ratings. There have been companies who have made filtered movies available that cleaned up inappropriate scenes. Hollywood hated this idea, claiming that it takes away from the artistic continuity of a film. Hollywood should be ashamed of discouraging filtration! What they really need to do is starting make these players more dynamic. You should be able to chose a rating from a menu. Based on your selection it will filter certain eliminates from the movie. I also believe player should always come with logins that have a username/password for each member of the house. Based on this, you can automatically set the rating for an appropriate age group.

Another nice feature would be a 20 second warning that would display on screen when an inappropriate scene is about to appear and provide an easy way to skip over it.

1 comment:

Viagra said...

That is a great system!