Wednesday, January 04, 2006

God has definately been moving in our lives. 2 months ago He spoke to us about preparing our family for something big. He knew about the struggles we experienced from enduring a long daily commute to and from church. It was getting to the point where it was becoming a heavy burden. Since then we have obeyed God and have sold our house. Already we are seeing his blessing. In simplifying our lives God will be able to use us more. Now that we are established in our new home, it will be excited to see where God leads our family in this coming year.

Tonight at Rod and Pat's homegroup God planted an idea in my mind that I am going to pray about. The idea of a non-profit (christian based) web development business. I will post more as this develops.

1 comment:

iortizvictory said...

That is so great honey pie!!!! I am so proud of you, continue to be used by God and He will bless you more and more... I LOVE YOU!!!!!